The Reading List

There is no official "canonical" list of readings for the IR field. Instead, students should treat the required and suggested readings in their IR graduate seminars as a compendium of works that constitute the core for all practical purposes. Graduate students should refer to the syllabi of the IR courses offered during the two years prior to their Qualifying Exam regardless of whether they actually took the course or not. We expect all students with IR as first or second field to be familiar with the central themes and debates covered in these courses.
It is important to realize that this "reading list" represents a minimum and is, by itself, incomplete. The compilation of syllabi here is intended primarily as a starting point in the preparation for the Qualifying Exam. Most students would have to read beyond the material represented here, especially if they have taken more specialized courses or courses offered at the School of International Relations and Pacific Studies. Moreover, students who have taken directed reading courses tailored to their interest will be expected to know the material covered there.
The Syllabi
These are courses offered by members of the IR Group (past and present) on a semi-regular basis. We provide links to the most recent syllabi, as well as archived versions of older variants, which are sometimes quite different.
- 240: International Relations Theory (Gartzke 2011, Lake 2008, Haggard 2003, Kahler & Lake 2002)
- 232: International Organization (Hafner-Burton 2011)
- 243: International Security (Slantchev 2007)
- 245: International Political Economy (Broz 2012)
- 245A: Political Economy of Regional Integration (Schneider 2010)
- 248: Political Authority in the International System (Lake 2005)
- 247A: Quantitative Approaches to International Relations (Gartzke 2011, Gleditsch 2004)
- 247B: Formal Models in International Relations (Slantchev 2011)
- 247C: History of International Relations (Slantchev 2009)
The IR Sequence: